CON ART (1997)
320 KBPS
CON ART (1997)
320 KBPS
In the decade since this record was released, I've listened to it hundreds of times and still come away as awed as the first time. There is vehement passion on Con Art that underscores song narratives about breakup, homelessness, race, and much more. The orchestral nature of having a cello accompanying two guitars creates a dark, rich texture with touches of Bernard Hermann. Smart Went Crazy also switched drummers between their first album and Con Art, and Devin Ocampo's playing here is spectacularly good - as his his screaming on the song 'Bullfighter'. Ultimately, though, while undoubtedly a collaborative effort, the heart of this record is singer/songwriter/producer/guitarist Chad Clark, who has since gone on to form the perhaps equally great band Beauty Pill. Pitchfork Magazine named "Con Art" one of its top 100 albums of the 1990s, and it's a great choice.
1. Black Kites
2. Exitfare
3. Brief Conversation Ending in Divorce, A
4. Immutable Beauty
5. Con Art
6. Baker's Chocolate
7. D.C. Will Do That to You
8. D.C. Will Do That to You
9. Let X = X
10. Funny as in Funny Ha-Ha
11. Bullfighter
12. Holds up Her Hand, Blocks Out the Sun
13. Song of the Dodo
14. Tight Frame Loose Frame
15. Good Day, A
16. So Speaks the Queen Bee
17. Tijuana 3/28/96
18. Now We're Even

what happened to "now we're even"? didn't show up on my download. rgds, will
Thanks for this one... been after this for ages. Cheers.
sorry, which is the usual password?
You're joking, right?
i'm really sorry but i'm not joking. I didn't find a post that says which is the pass. sorry
I know you're gonna feel dumb but let me tell you anyway.
See the pretty image on top? The one that says "MOODSWINGS, SOUNDS FOR ALL SEASONS". Look just below it... Yeah, just below, on the right and... WAIT! Here it is. ^^
Enjoy the music, SWC is a hell of a band!
opppppppppppppppppppssssssssssss so i'm really stupid :D
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