Hello everybody,
You might have noticed that, lately, my links get deleted or reported to rapidshare. I have tried re-uploading some of them but they got reported again.
I have no choice but to stop posting for an undetermined amount of time. It may be a week, it may be a month, I might as well stop posting altogether.
My goal was to share music so that people can try it before they decide if they want to buy the real thing or not. I know many people just download music and never buy it even if they really enjoyed it, that's a shame and a poor way to prove your love to artists and certainly not a behaviour I can support.
Anyway, since I don't have enough time to fight whoever's reporting the content of the MOODSWINGS blog, I see no other choice than to call it quits.
Bravo, Mr. Deleter, you won this battle.
oh, that's sad news. Thanks for all you qualitive posts!
yes, this is sad, thank you for all for work and time you've poured in here, i appreciate it :)
cheers mate
thanks again! :)
Though the years form Moodswings to Newmoodswings this has been one of the best blogs around the Internet and surely one the widest in taste and choice. What more should I say? Since blogs have been around I have been buying much more music from stores or from digital resellers than I ever did before. Internet is nowadays even more essential than airplay for commercial purposes. Let them guys over there at the RIAA carefully avoid to understand, that's going to be a sign of how narrowminded they actually are. F**k deleters & reporters and thx for everything if this is going to be the end.
Thanks for the chance to discover stuff. The suits never quite 'get 'that' part of all this. Safe journeys mate.
respect from italy
Bummer. Your blog is one of only two that I visit on a regular basis. I have come to rely on your posts as a source for discovering new music. I can't even begin to tell you how many new artists I discovered thanks to you. Thank you, and I'll be the first in line should you decide to reopen your doors.
Reallt sorry to read this. You've been great over the years. Thanks a million. Sad to see you go.
Indeed a sad day, this blog was an eyeopener for me in many musical ways. Gonna miss your musical reviews and your wide taste. As stated in another comment, this was one of the best music blogs on the internet and it made me buy more music then b4.
Wish you all the best and thx for everything.
Real sorry to hear your news Mr Moodswing - I completely understand, and support your actions with a little sadness.
I have always loved your blog for the new artists and the sometimes reappreciation of artists I already know.
For my part at least Stonephace and Airelle Besson owe you sincere thanks (there are more, I cannot recall them all off the cuff) for the cds I bought after discovering them on your blog. You have my thanks in any case.
Best wishes
Really sorry. Thank you.
Mr. Moodswings, why not switch to hotfile or depositfiles? Rapidshare these days is under a lot of eyes and such. = /
Moodswings - Thank you for turning me on to so much music. As a music junkie I came to your sight often. I didn't thank you enough - shame on me. I can say, however, that you have helped me create a very well rounded vinyl collection. For that I thank you and am indebted. All my best.
you will be missed, here's hoping you'll be back - steve.
thank you for your dedicated work!
DAMN, and I JUST discovered this blog, TODAY!!!!! :( I always discover new blogs just as they're shutting down, this sucks
What they said -- I really enjoyed the mix of things I knew I would like with stuff I would never have thought to try. Many thanks for your efforts. J.
Sad new indeed.
thanks for the quality post helping us discovering such great artists.
Your blog was one of the greats. Thanks for all your efforts. It will be missed.
Oh well... I was subscribed to exactly one music blog, and this blog was NewMoodswings. Or, actually, it still is, and I have no intention of pressing the 'unsubscribe' button.
What I'm trying to say is just - thank you.
I've really enjoyed both your posts and the music, and (even thought this hopefully won't be a real 'goodbye') I wish you good luck in whatever you do.
P.S. A special thanks for the CDs I bought only because I'd read about them here - and listened to the music!
thank you for everything... i hope you will come back soon... greetings from turkey. :(
quoi dire
MERCI pour votre temps
longue et belle route pour vous
ne perdez pas votre amour pour la musique
Merci beaucoup pour tout ce que tu as fait sur ce site et précédemment, en espérant te retrouver bientôt ici ou ailleurs.
Respect pour ton travail.
your blog was da shit. from the reviews to the music. hope it's not forever. hit up totally fuzzy when you're ready to do it again
Thanks for all of the great music. It has allowed me to find music I would never have listened to before.
thanks moodwings. this was my favourite blog for what seems like years. im genuinely really sad because ive never found anouther which even gets close to being so varied. Most other blogs are very narrow minded. I love tha fact that you have bon jovi one day and john zorn the next!. badass!. I hope you manage to start up again because you are appreciated. I hope you realise that. all the best, G
Sad day. one of the best Way to discover & remember various music...
See you later Alligator !
Patrick From France
That's too bad, sorry to see you go. I've been introduced to some awesome music through your site (and purchased quite a bit because of that!). I was also able to fill in some holes in my collection when you've posted some things that were definitely out of print or very very hard to find. I hope that you take a nice sabbatical and start posting again in the future!
Sad because this was one of the best blogs. And strange because I never had problems with missing files here. Anyway, have a good time and consider a comeback soon. Eric
I'll miss you. Thanks for all the good music you help me to discover.
Sad to hear that, but thanks for the great music you've been posting since the old moodswings - A lot of blogs are going down these days and It's a real shame.
I believe in supporting the artists you like directly by purchasing merchandise and seeing them live and I encourage others to do the same... CD sales are really a very marginal part of the whole thing (especially with your choices of music). The money doesn't tend to go to the artist very often as far as I'm aware.
I really don't like giving the record companies any dough where I can possibly avoid it. They certainly don't deserve it.
Many many thanks, I hope you're not gone for good - It would be great if you keep posting up what your discoveries and revisits are - even if there aren't the usual downloads. It usually inspires me to drag out an old vinyl/cd that I have laying around and that hasn't been listened to.
You cannot imagine how horribly hard this news is to take. I have been following your blog for awhile, through a couple of iterations, and always being enlightened by your choice selection of music informed by your clear descriptions of the music.
To be honest, I hadn't seen a lot of dead links, I know that that had caused an earlier stoppage. but I can understand your frustration, not being able to share this wonderful music with your friends.
I really hope that you reconsider stopping altogether and consider taking a break or posting less. In my view, I would much rather have a little goodness than none at all. Either way, thanks aren't enough to express my gratitude at how you've opened my ears to some fantastic music (William Sheller alone, his Ostinato alone, is heaven).
Thanks newmoodswings for saving me thousands of dollars. Any of you chumps that actually buy this stuff when you can get it for free from a Robin Hood like newmoodswings are loosers.
This blog meant a lot to me and my friends. iTunes music download service wasn't up here in Mexico until just recently. Either way, as a melomaniac student you don't have the money to download EVERYTHING or the time to hunt down treasures. Your blog and the kind showed me that you don't buy music in the same way that you would buy any other product. Your money is a way of personally supporting the artist, cherish the music, be part of something.
You will be missed.
Thanks for introducing me to such great music!
Dear Mr. Moodswings, Thank You for all of the great music. Respect from Russia! I'll wait for the meeting in the blog. Merci beaucoup! Большое спасибо!
PS. You can go to http://multiupload.com/ or http://www.mediafire.com/ ?
Mr. Moodswings, I will miss this blog. Because of you, I've gone out and expanded my physical collection of music ten-fold. It's sad that people can't see the good that your service has provided.
Sad to see you go,seems all the best blogs are closing.
truly one of the best. many thanks for your enlightening efforts
I will miss you. Thanks
thanks for all the hard work, Stefan!
All the best to you! .. and hope you'll be back some day.
BUT .. - should have figured long time ago.. that RS is kinda "chitty" .. and should have switched to MU.
Files die at RS eventually (or at the very least - very often) regardless if reported or not, if one has a Premium or not (even though with a Premium they live much longer of course.. or supposed to in any case), where at MU files live for years and years WITHOUT dying...
Thanks again!
Like everyone above I'll miss this blog greatly. You have been one of my few essential daily visits for a long time now. I wish you well and hope our paths cross again in the future.
Thanks guys. It's been real.
sorry to read this - thanx for all the great music & the effort you put into it. very best wishes for whatever you decide to do next - ubique
Really bummed. I found this blog by accident and felt like things were great. A lot of blogs from Blogger just disappearing overnight. I agree there is evil afoot. I also agree you should be on mega. JC San Diego, CA. USA. Live Long and Prosperous to You Mr. Moodswings, Yours truly the Stig.
This is bad news - as being a reader of your blogs from the beginning @ my.opera I will be missing the inspirations and the passion for music.
And in fact deleting your files is a very dumb thing. For me I can say that I've learned to listen to so many new great artists, so many different musical styles. Like only a few other blogs yours have been an important place to discover new things, listening somthing new and (many, many times) going straight to the next record-store, buying records I even knew before.
Thank you for your work, for guidance, for inspiration. May the light shine on you one more time ...
Many greetings to you,
hoping you still will be back after a while,
Dziękuję za wspaniałą muzykę.
Może jeszcze gdzieś...kiedyś...
Thanks Moodwings!
Noli nothis permittere te terere...
Thanks for providing a great resource over the years - I know you've steered £thousands of my money in the direction of the artists who deserve it by showing me music I would otherwise have missed.
The phantom deleter is kicking those artists directly in the wallet as well as being a pain in the proverbial ass.
I wonder if an artist has ever sued a deleter for the resultant loss of their income?
That would be an interesting case to follow!
I see that I am but one of many who will miss your blog. While I totally understand your reasons, and would undoubtedly do the same ting if I were in your place, it saddens me nevertheless. Thank you and good luck.
Oh sh**. Well, thanks for all the music. If you want you could still keep the blog up without the download links, I really enjoy reading your reviews and we can look for download links ourselves...
En tout cas, merci pour le blog le plus eclectique de la blogosphère!
This is a bummer :(
Thanks for your posts - this is one of the most consistent, and quality blogs I keep up with.
C'était mon musicmag préféré ! J'y ai découvert plein de groupes et d'artistes, et certains posts m'ont conduit directement chez le disquaire pour y faire de bonnes emplettes.
Merci pour le bout de chemin.
Come back soon, we already miss you.
hi mr. Moodswings, sad to see you go...I had many fresh musical encounters made possible by you, also had the chance to hear some of the stuff I had on vinyl or on CD that I swapped or had lost in time...if you start a new musical heaven like the one you're saying goodbye to now, please don't feel shy to let me know, allright?
best & be safe,
I will miss my daily perusal of your site - comeback soon!
Quel dommage, ton super blog m'a permis de découvrir tellement de bonnes choses
A bientot, j'espère
merde !!!
le blog que j' aime et que je consulte presque quotidiennement
avec des commentaires personnels, voir avises ;)
merci pour tout ce boulot et l' ouverture vers d' autres horizons musicaux
c' est l' heure de la pommade : ce blog comme MOODSWINGS auparavant est mon favoris
esperant croiser ton chemin une autre fois
bonne route et si tu recidives t' as mon mail
altos aka S.E.P.
one more thanks for all the time you give to us to purpose muzik.
my my ears will remember again and again
Don't be a baby. If this is something you believe in and enjoy, keep fighting! Don't let the bastards win. Look at Chrisgoesrock, they shut him down every month or so, and he's back the same day. But if it is the end, thanks for everything
Sad News. Bad News
I always discover new music, new sounds, and I listen, and I buy this records. New Moodswings is one of the best music-blog around the eternal Internet. I apreciate your comments and keep your notes when I have to take a decission in my record store.
Thanks for all your work.
!Maybe in the next future, the next internet are a free universe¡
I remember when I make cassettes from my friends and these rules from hand to hand. Now I have a great collection of records made with friends like you that present his adquisitions for our pleasure.
Thanks, a lot of thanks and...
excusez my bad english...
A friend
El Profesional
I hope the disgusting person who caused this gets leprosy and that their penis or vagina shrivels up and falls off in a slow torturous manner. Thanks for the tunes Moodswings you will be missed. Till next time....
Love Betty
:'( Merci Monsieur, your blog really did expand my musical knowledge. I am sure I'll see you again! Ciao Stephan!
In this era of over-specialization and over-categorization, you blog was a breath of fresh air, giving us good music of all kinds. You will be missed. Thank you.
Can only echo the many other comments: this was one of the greats in a crowded arena. Many many sincere thanks from London.
I want to thank you for all your effort and dedication, it was (still is) one of the very few decent blogs around
Thanks again, and the best of luck!
Hey, I want to thank all of you who posted music piracy blogs, I've got some new ones to shut down now, they'll all be gone by the end of the week :)
Thanks for all...
Your Blog turned me on to so much new music. You will be missed. Your heart was and is in the right place. Do not give up!!!
Really sorry, bad news..
Wish you all the best.
Thanks again
What a sad day. I used to visit your blog almost every day for months. You made me discover great music I didn't know before and rediscover stuff I had completely forgotten about. Thanks for everything! Hope you'll be back one day.
Man, the music industry really needs to not demonise free downloading so much and find a sensible compromise.
Through blogs like this, I have become aware of so much music that I would have never have otherwise. I admit I don't always go out and purchase what I've downloaded, but thats largely due to me being unable to afford it. When I have plenty of money to spare I'll make it my mission to go out and pay for most of it, which is an awful lot.
Cheers for your efforts, I hope some of the links still work!
Thank you so much for all the great years Mr Moodswings. So sorry to hear about this recent decision. You outlasted so many others that I thought you were indestructible. Hope that you may find another way or place out there. Take care!
Thanks to you. This has been a tremendous blog & introduced me to much new great music. Best to you.... hopefully Moodswings might reappear elsewhere.
(RANT - Ever since the recording industry fought radio they have been slow to adapt. They only survived the 80s by charging us full price for old music converted badly to CD format. No matter what they do, they cannot turn back the clock to pre-1996 when they were over-charging us for full CDs with one good song).
It's a pity. Avoiding people to share music just doesn't make sense. I just discovered your blog and downloaded an album which I happen to own in vynil and which actually isn't available for sale, neither on cd nor on the web. So thank you very much for trying to share!
wow, dick move on whoever is reporting this.
thanks for all the good music through the years. hopefully you will make it back
So much good music that I would not have even known about if not for this site.
It's a shame. Thank you for everything.
merci merci merci de m'avoir fais découvrir tant de bonne musique. c'est dommage car grace à vous j'ai acheté pleins de disques que je n'aurais sûrement pas eu l'idée de m'y intéresser.. bonne route!
Please do not go.
I understand if you want to lay low for a while - even for a long while. However, thanks to your wonderful blog, I have discovered music I would never have known in a million years. And as someone who HAS to have CD quality, I always buy the music I like, aside from supporting artists.
If you are going, then I can only thank you immeasurably for leading me to Stereolab, Half Asleep, TEXT, Plaid, Stina Nordstam, Tenniscoats, Hadouk Trio, Toy, Room Eleven, Stacey Kent, Bright Eyes, Alpha.... Do I need to go on???
The effort and dedication you have shown has been amazing. Many here appreciate that.
All the best!
oh - this is so sad. I love this blog. Hope you reconsider...
Many thanks from Canada!
We're gonna miss you. I discovered a lot of good music thanks to you and even bought some when I could afford it.
Sorry, really, I didn't meet on the web any other passionate guy like you are (hum, sorry for my english).
Oh man that's sad news indeed.
I know exactly how you feel coz I used to run like 3 blogs & having to re-up the dead links is a tedious job.
But I wish you all the best! Your music taste is eclectically best, & I love a fellow music-lover with such a varied taste! It's too bad I've only chanced upon your blog so late.
If you're considering music blogging again, you might wanna consider Wordpress. Just a suggestion.
Cheers! All the way from Singapore...
In the eyes of content providers we're all pirates and freetards, never mind that (as someone rightly pointed out below) I have the album I'm downloading on vinyl in the basement, paid for 15-20 years ago. Take solace in the fact that the war is over and the music industry has lost—lost big time. They have lost the trust of a new generation of buyers (suing grandmothers and 11-year olds for outrageous amounts of money tends to do that). Thank you for introducing me to some of the most amazing new music over the past few years that these knuckleheads would never have signed in the first place (Sébastien Schuller comes to mind). Good luck in your future endeavours. A luta continua.
Dear Moodswings,
I recently discorvered your blog and I absolutely love it.
My only problem is that I don't have the password to extract the files.Would you mind sharing it?
Many thanks
Theres so much music and so much bad music you can't axpect customers to buy or listen in a shop on the big search for quality, what can't be deneight. Hope you rearise.
BooHoo. This has always been one of my favourite blogs. I miss you already.
Mr. Moodswings, I hope your return soon. Thanks very much for share excellent music with us.
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