PUZZLE (1992)
320 KBPS
PUZZLE (1992)
320 KBPS
Puzzle has remained one of my all-time favorite discs since I bought it the year it was released. There are many reasons. First, it's rare that you find an album in which you love every song on it. This is one of them that I can say this about. Mary Sunshine Rain is to this day still my favorite song (John Mayer's 'Why Georgia' is coming up the rankings quickly) with every other song on this album pushing a close second to the next. I still get goosebumps every time I listen to Mary.
The second reason is because the stylings of Dada are like nothing else you have heard before. They push the envelope of rhythm and melody without sounding weird, and it really works.
Another attribute of true Dada style are the guitar licks. The chops laid down on these tracks are as important to these songs as the lyrics. It's as if the guitar melodies are talking to you. It's amazing. Get excited about buying this CD. It is not over-produced like today's pop and rap. It is down to earth and real, yet put together like a puzzle with all the pieces perfectly fitting together. What was the last album that you purchased that you didn't FF past a song you don't really care for?
Finally, this album is timeless. I can pick it up today and get the same feeling from the songs that I did when I first fell in love with it. Honestly, I think another label should pick up the rights to this disc and re-release it and promote it like the original releases should have been.
1. Dorina
2. Mary Sunshine Rain
3. Dog
4. Dizz Knee Land
5. Surround
6. Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
7. Posters
8. Timothy
9. Dim
10. Who You Are
11. Puzzle
12. Moon

password: downloaded@MOODSWINGSmusic
You are correct.Without a doubt one of the best albums. Bought it when it came out on cassette and now own it on CD. never gets old.
Awesome blog you have here; I have found much treasure here recently, for which many thanks. -- Murf
Never heard of this before..it's great...will keep an eye out for it on Amazon or Ebay..thanks.. Jon
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