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Reviews of these perfomances seem to divide into those who decry Peskanov's alleged lack of authenticity, and those who appreciate his fresh and original approach to these pieces. I grew up with the Rifkin performances, which remain "standard," but Alexander Peskanov tranforms these pieces to the deepest art. The performance of Solace evokes the pathos of Chopin and the melodic invention of Schubert. I do think that it surely is the finest of all recorded versions of this haunting piece.
Of course one isn't going to agree with every tempo choice, but one cannot deny the thought and integrity of the interpretations--one hears new things with each performance. Just as one can prefer Rubinstein to Horowitz in Chopin (or Serkin to Perahia or Uchida in Schubert), one learns and hears something new and different in each interpretation. We are fortunate to have a range of interpreters.
Peskanov brings a new depth and creative energy to these pieces, infusing them with poetic beauty redolent of the Romantics, but uniquely American at the same time. Let's give up on the idea of a single "definitive" or "authentic" performance. Peskanov's voicing, his choice of repeats, the sheer warmth of his sound --the sonic quality of this recording dwarfs previous efforts--all deserve the highest praise. Many other recordings sound as if they were recorded on a tinny upright--"authentic" perhaps, but not "definitive"!
Peskanov brings out both the joy and pathos of this music. Rather than the "self-indulgence" I've seen criticized by some reviewers, I find a rich and musical sensibility that most music lovers will appreciate and applaud. You will be glad to have this recording.
1. Maple Leaf Rag
2. Heliotrope Bouquet
3. Pineapple Rag
4. Solace
5. Paragon Rag
6. Pleasant Moments
7. Elite Syncopations
8. Original Rag
9. Fig Leaf
10. Entertainer
11. Easy Winners
12. Country Club Rag
13. Strenuous Life
14. Bethena

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