Oh no! Not another tribute... Well, wait a minute there! First, this is not just a tribute but the very first multi-artist tribute album to Jacques Brel that has ever been released (not counting the musical's album that were released when he was still alive), then, Jacques Brel certainly is an artist that really deserves to be paid tribute to and, finally, this is a fine tribute.
So, okay, like all tribute albums, it obviously has its ups and lows but the highs are high enough so that we don't let the downs spoil it. Alain Bashung, Arno, Kent, Noir Désir, Arthur H, M, Les Têtes Raides, Stephan Eicher... All these talented artists have put nice versions of Brel standards. Some have done it more personally than others, true that. And then, some people might argue that the ones I left off the previous list are not that bad either, I guess it all about taste...
Nevertheless, this is, for those who enjoy Brel's music, a nice little addition to their collection so, get it and make your own mind.
1 Alain Basung "Le tango Funèbre"
2 Arno "La la la"
3 Dick Annegarn "Jef"
4 Faudel "Ne me quitte pas"
5 Kent "Fils de"
6 Noir Désir "Ces gens là"
7 Arthur H "Sur la place"
8 Zebda "Jaurès"
9 M "Au suivant"
10 Têtes Raides "Les vieux"
11 Polo "La Fanette"
12 Stephan Eicher "Voir un ami pleurer"
ah ça, c'est une excellente idée, je crois qu'il n'est plus en vente.
Merci ami.
Le connaissais-tu ?
oui, j'ai un ami qui l'avais acheté. Ne m'en avais pas parlé qu'en bien, d'ailleurs. Mais, paraissait que certaines interprétations valaient leur pesant de cacahuètes.
Je possede cet album avec une pochette totalement differente.
Malgré la qualité des artistes présents sur ce tribute, je trouve (moi aussi) les interprétations inégales. Mais bon... il contient des perles aussi.
En tout cas, merci Mr Moodswings pour cet excellent blog. Longue vie à lui.
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